With the help of the nutrition services department, the silver cafeteria received its first makeover since opening in 2000.
“We hoped that purchasing stylish, up-to-date furniture, making some paint changes, and adding custom graphic wall art and column banners would promote school pride and improve the overall aesthetics of the cafeteria,” nutrition service director Sundy Fryrear said. We want the students to be proud of their school and be proud to be a Bryan High Viking.”
Principal Lane Buban also agrees that the school needed something new, something that both the students and staff would be pleased with.
“Our students needed something nice,” Buban said. “The students enjoy having nice furniture, and a nice cafeteria to eat in. It’s a more enjoyable atmosphere at breakfast and at lunch with the updates.
The new seating arrangements, warm and cool colors, and up-to-date designs have not only made the cafeteria look good, but makes it a place to bond with peers.
“It allows students more options with seating and I think it has a more relaxed atmosphere to it,” Buban said. “It has been nice to add atmosphere to the cafeteria.”
The new cafeteria turned out to be more than expected for those involved with helping make the project happen.
“The transformation of the Silver cafeteria exceeded my expectations,” Fryrear said. “The designers did an excellent job incorporating design elements that enhanced some of the original areas of the cafeteria that we did not want painted or we could not afford to paint such as the bright green ceiling supports and the brick walls. When I walked into the area after all the furniture and artwork was in place I was overwhelmed and overjoyed with the look of the project.”
Staff members appreciate the changes to the cafeteria and see them as having a positive impact on the student body.
“The new design has a has been well received by the students, with a collegiate feel.” Fryear said. “The students are enjoying the variety of seating options that are now available such as the tall tables and chairs, the booth areas and the small lounge area in the back of the school.”
Students agree that the overall effect of the make-over has been positive.
“I like the positive environment of the cafeteria,” senior Chris Valadez said. “I like how the new seating areas give you a chance to communicate with everyone around you.”