As the sun rose over campus on Wednesday, September 28, students gathered around the flagpole at Bryan High School to participate in the annual See You at the Pole event. The event encourages students nationwide to gather at their school’s flagpole to pray for their school, teachers, and fellow classmates as a public display of their love for each other and their personal beliefs. The Bible study group Cord of 3 organized and advertised for the event.
“This is the fourth year Cord of 3 has hosted See You at the Pole,” Cord of 3 sponsor Rebecca Dominy said. “Cord of 3 is a grassroots group which formed six years ago at the request of a group of students who wanted to get together to discuss scripture and personal problems in a safe environment.”
Even in a conservative community, students can feel isolated and alone when it comes to their faith, but events like See You at the Pole provide an environment for students to come together as one for a united purpose.
“I like See You at the Pole because we got to be with a lot of other Christians,” freshman Shannon Keyser said. “It’s nice to worship and pray together and to know that there’s other Christians at our school.”
Dominy is proud of the work the students put forth to make See You at the Pole a success as they shared their own experiences in hopes of connecting to other students.
“I love that the students run the event and draw a large crowd,” Dominy said. “With over 100 students in attendance, it is a testimony to our students that they care about their classmates and their school by having a desire to pray for both of them.”
Students not only organized the, but they also spoke about their own experiences in hopes of encourages other attendees.
“I felt it was important to show what I believe personally,” sophomore Sophia Stone said. “I wanted to share what impact my beliefs have made on my life, and speaking at See You at the Pole was a way for me to do that.”
Sophia was one of many students to speak, including junior Kaywin McCall, who chose to speak in hopes of reaching out to fellow students by sharing part of her testimony.
“I felt like there was a lot that I could offer to people,” Kaywin said. “I also thought that sharing my experiences could be influential for the audience.”
Kaywin’s topic wasn’t easy for her to speak about since it was personal, but she is glad she did it.
“I spoke about suffering and how it’s not easy to suffer alone,” Kaywin said. “It was honestly pretty scary because I became very vulnerable about my past in that moment in front of my peers.”
Though Kaywin was apprehensive about opening up to the audience, she had faith that her words would inspire listeners.
“I wasn’t sure how my speech was going to be accepted,” Kaywin said. “I know that God is using my testimony to help others realize that they are not alone in their suffering and that they will know God is always there.”
Students hold See You at the Pole close to their hearts and believe that it is important for students to get involved.
“See You at the Pole is important because a major factor of Christianity is fellowship and getting to be with other people,” Shannon said. “It’s nice to get together and be able to share things that we have in common.”
See You at the Pole provided students with an opportunity to feel comfortable worshiping and praying with people they might not normally interact with.
“It was really nice to see how many people came to the flagpole to pray over our school,” Sophia said. “It was nice to see how people have God as a big part of their lives because that’s not something you get to see everyday just walking around school.”
Students hope that others will use See You at the Pole as a means to be inspired and continue to spread the message of the event even after it ended.
“I hope See You at the Pole will get students around Bryan High to be more bold and help them talk about Christianity,” junior Wade McGregor said. “I also hope that students will spread Christianity without being scared of rejection.”