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The Norseman

The Norseman

The Norseman

Feeling so empty, nothing left to give

Kaywin McCall October 26, 2017
There is a powerful quote in the workout and school world that states: “Your mind will quit a thousand times before your body ever will”? While that is true for some people, what happens when you’re so motivated that your body gives up first, yet your mind tells you to keep going, to keep pushing - even when that’s not the best option? How do you combat that? How do you listen to your body? How do you give yourself a day off when you’re in constant fight mode to become better and outwork everyone?

Crossing over: New workout program benefits athlete stamina, strength

Kaywin McCall March 20, 2017
What do you think of when you hear the word, “Crossfit”? Do you think, “that sounds hard” or “those people are crazy”, or “you’ll get hurt doing Crossfit”? What if I were to tell you those are all true. It is hard, most crossfitters are crazy for challenging their bodies and for pushing themselves to the absolute max, and there is a chance of getting hurt if you don’t take the time to learn proper form and body mechanics. Crossfit consists of constantly varied movements performed at a high intensity level. All crossfit workouts are based on a mixture of weightlifting, gymnastics, running, rowing, and more. Crossfit is for every age group, and all workouts can be modified to fit any fitness level or disability. Crossfit can also be extremely beneficial to any high school athlete looking for the edge on their opponent.

Stretched thin: Yoga helps enhance, body, mind, soul

Kaywin McCall November 2, 2016
There are many misconceptions about yoga and many people don't do it, or are quickly opposed to trying a yoga class, because they're not flexible enough, don't have good enough balance, are bad at meditating, or are already physically fit. However, people don't understand the practice of yoga is a process. It’s not about the final destination, but the transitions and the journey along the way that make yoga a key component in becoming more fit.
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