Sonder definition: The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's lack...
Space is mysterious, with its many planets and many planet destroyers. We don’t know what’s out there, but we do know that we need more people in the astronomy field. I believe there should be an astronomy...
Music isn’t appreciated anymore, hence the deterioration of remarkable pieces or bodies of artistry. I would even take it further and say that many modern artists shouldn’t be given a microphone. When...
Every year, at the end of the Grammys ceremony, there always seems to be confusion from the general public about the winners and losers. From artists going home empty-handed to some outperforming expectations,...
I find it strange that people blame TikTok for the increased conformity in today’s society. People wanting the same shoes or clothes because it’s a trend or fad did NOT start on social media platforms.
Before starting my rant, let me just say that I am a Texan, born and raised here in Bryan, and I call numerous cities throughout the state home. Just like every good Texan, I wear cowboy boots, go to high...
Several months ago, I noticed someone wearing something odd. No, it was more than odd. I didn’t know what could have possibly been going through that person’s head that caused them to make this decision....