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The Norseman

The Norseman

The Norseman

Mental illness epidemic in younger generations

Elijah Cruz, Staff writer May 17, 2024

Illness and disease have been common throughout human history. In medieval times, there was the black death; in the early modern era, there was the flu; and just four years ago, we very recently had the...

Dementia impacts more than individual, deteriorates family unit

Savannah Arenas September 16, 2019
Take a moment and think about what a penny looks like, easy right? Could you sketch out the front, or maybe the back? As simple as it seems, the vast majority of people can’t remember the details of this basic American currency.

Mental health care important, things will get better

Daniel Lugo March 19, 2019
Mental health in teens is a serious issue in today’s society. Oddly enough, not a lot of people talk about it. People often feel lonely in some of their darkest times with nobody to turn to, and that’s a problem. Show love to the people that deserve it the least because those are the ones that need it the most.
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