With Gilmore Girls ending its run in 2007, the already popular show gained viewers from the next generation when it moved to Netflix in 2014. With the increased popularity of the show, more polarizing...
Rory Gilmore. While most watch the popular show, Gilmore Girls, because they think Rory is a fashion and academic icon, I see past her “hard work” and Birkin bag (more on that later). In reality, Rory...
Good Girls is a show not meant for the weak. In being able to enjoy watching it, you have to imagine you’re living in it. The series is cautioned against young viewers due to not very PG-13 scenes including,...
Drama. Mystery. Thriller. My top three favorite genres of all time when it comes to entertainment, and combined together into one show, it’s nearly perfect. Criminal Minds captures all three of these genres which makes the show my favorite show of all time. The show is the right mix of intrigue and suspense.