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The Norseman

The Norseman

The Norseman

Just what the Doc ordered: Google’s word processing platform meets all consumer needs

Abby Mendez September 19, 2019
There are important things to argue about in life like political issues, environmental change, and how expensive stuff is (news flash: it’s really expensive). However, there are also completely trivial things to worry about like whether or not Google Docs is better than Microsoft Word, but boy is it fun to argue about.

Plugged In: the cloud: now with less precipitation

John Fuller September 8, 2011
As students gain access to school Google accounts this fall, much of the world will also be dabbling in the cloud, as services like iCloud and Dropbox become even more popular. These services store user’s information online, reducing the need for people to keep their documents saved to their computer. Plus, these services also allow users to access their files anywhere, like on a smartphone or public computer at school.

Taking the cloud by storm

adviser August 6, 2011
In a new shift in technology policy, students will receive Google accounts for email, calendaring and other online services. The new Google Apps accounts will replace student First Class e-mail accounts this school year. The shift will bring many changes and improvements to the way students can use technology for educational purposes.
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